Eliška Hutová

Brno University of Technology, DTEE FEEC (Czechia)

Petr Marcoň

Brno University of Technology, DTEE FEEC (Czechia)

Karel Bartušek

Institute of Scientific Instruments, ASCR (Czechia)


In our experiment the electrical parameters that affect early somatic embryos (ESEs) were investigated. High voltage was generated by a special high voltage generator. High voltages ranging from 5 to 20 kV and frequency of 1 Hz were applied longitudinal and transversal directly on the Petri dish with 2 days old ESEs of Picea abies for periods of 3 hours every day. One Petri dish was placed directly on top of the high voltage generator and on the other Petri dish were fixed two copper plates for transmission of high voltage. Petri dishes were exposed to high voltage for 14 days. After this time, the influence of high voltage was evaluated. To evaluate the experiment were used biological and chemical methods, which confirmed the changes in the growth of ESEs.


early somatic embryos, high voltage, Picea abies

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Cited by

Hutová, E. ., Marcoň, P. ., & Bartušek, K. . (2015). EFFECT OF HIGH VOLTAGE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLANT TISSUE. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 5(4), 38–41. https://doi.org/10.5604/20830157.1176572


Eliška Hutová 
Brno University of Technology, DTEE FEEC Czechia


Petr Marcoň 

Brno University of Technology, DTEE FEEC Czechia


Karel Bartušek 

Institute of Scientific Instruments, ASCR Czechia


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