Wojciech Matelski
Instytut Elektrotechniki, Oddział w Gdańsku (Poland)

Leszek Wolski

Instytut Elektrotechniki, Oddział w Gdańsku (Poland)

Stanisław Abramik

Instytut Elektrotechniki, Oddział w Gdańsku (Poland)


The article presents development process of the high frequency DC/DC converter built on the basis of silicon carbide elements. The device has been designed for energy storage applications, as a part of a DC microgrid with renewable energy sources. The structure and basics of the proposed control algorithm of the converter have been presented. The work contains the results of experimental tests of the converter operating with 500 kHz switching frequency in application with a supercapacitor.


DC/DC converters, energy storage, SiC semiconductors, microgrids

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Cited by

Matelski, W. ., Wolski, L., & Abramik, S. (2016). BIDIRECTIONAL DC/DC CONVERTER BUILT WITH THE USE OF SIC ELEMENTS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 6(3), 64–69.


Wojciech Matelski
Instytut Elektrotechniki, Oddział w Gdańsku Poland


Leszek Wolski 

Instytut Elektrotechniki, Oddział w Gdańsku Poland


Stanisław Abramik 

Instytut Elektrotechniki, Oddział w Gdańsku Poland


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