Nigina Toktasynova
nigina_1992_02_07@mail.ruAlmaty University of Energy and Communication, Faculty of Engineering Cybernetics (Kazakhstan)
Gulmira Bazil
Kazakh National Technical University after K. Satpayev, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (Kazakhstan)
Shinar Adilova
Kazakh National Technical University after K. Satpayev, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (Kazakhstan)
In the article, the Quality Management System (QMS) in heat supply is shown ashigh-quality and reliable heat supplyensuring system for consumers (in the most cost-efficient way compliant with environmental standards) and ensuring the quality assessment of functioning business. The article provides features of heat supply, as control object, and difficulties of assessing the quality of functioning business. It also provides a process approach to description and management of activity, as one of management principles in QMS.
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Nigina Toktasynovanigina_1992_02_07@mail.ru
Almaty University of Energy and Communication, Faculty of Engineering Cybernetics Kazakhstan
Gulmira BazilKazakh National Technical University after K. Satpayev, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies Kazakhstan
Shinar AdilovaKazakh National Technical University after K. Satpayev, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies Kazakhstan
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