Radosław Wajman
Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)

Henryk Fidos

Politechnika Łódzka, Katedra Inżynierii Chemicznej (Poland)

Paweł Fiderek

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)

Tomasz Jaworski

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)

Jacek Nowakowski

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)

Dominik Sankowski

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)

Robert Banasiak

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)


The industrial diagnostic and monitoring systems require new methods offering the possibility of non-invasive observation and analysis of the two-phase gas-liquid mixtures flows. The designed new measurement system is dedicated for non-invasive percentage phase distribution calculation and flow structure identification in the vertical and horizontal pipelines. This paper presents some research  results of the metrological validation of the designed three-dimensional capacitance tomography measurement system including: the 3D ECT sensor structure optimization, the metrological
analysis of the image reconstruction process accuracy and the metrological analysis of the results of the phase distribution calculation method in comparison with other common technics. As a result of performed analysis the height capability of the 3D ECT measurement system for non-invasive real time dynamic flow processes identification was proved.  


two-phase flow, capacitance tomography ECT, three-dimensional visualization, flow structures, industrial flows

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Cited by

Wajman, R. ., Fidos, H., Fiderek, P., Jaworski, T. ., Nowakowski, J. ., Sankowski, D. ., & Banasiak, . R. (2013). METROLOGICAL EVALUATION OF MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR TWO-PHASE FLOW FRACTIONS DETERMINATION USING 3D ELECTRICAL CAPACITANCE TOMOGRAPHY. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 3(3), 49–54.


Radosław Wajman
Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland


Henryk Fidos 

Politechnika Łódzka, Katedra Inżynierii Chemicznej Poland


Paweł Fiderek 

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland


Tomasz Jaworski 

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland


Jacek Nowakowski 

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland


Dominik Sankowski 

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland


Robert Banasiak 

Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland


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