Damian Dobrzański
d.dobrzanski@pollub.plLublin University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Electrical Machines and Drives (Poland)
This paper presents a review of the most popular isolated DC/DC converters topologies. Presented solutions are divided to two main groups.
First- unidirectional soft switched isolated DC/DC converters and the second one- bidirectional soft switched isolated DC/DC converters. It introduced
also a two main DC/DC converters control methods. The collected results of research, simulations and tests of individual solutions carried out with
different assumptions allowed for the preparation of a summary. The formulated conclusions can define the direction of development of resonant
converters and a specific starting point for further research on control algorithms as well as improving the efficiency of DC converters.
DC-DC power converters, soft switching, electric vehicles chargers, LLC resonant converterReferences
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Damian Dobrzańskid.dobrzanski@pollub.pl
Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Electrical Machines and Drives Poland
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