Mikhaylo Vasnetsov
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Valeriy Voytsekhovich
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Vladislav Ponevchinsky
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Nataliia Kachalova
1Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 2L.M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Alina Khodko
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Oleksanr Mamuta
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Volodymyr Pavlov
machinehead6926@gmail.comVinnitsia National Technical University (Ukraine)
Vadym Khomenko
Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Natalia Manicheva
Odessа Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
The paper is a report of an experimental study to suppress the speckle structure of a coherent optical field. The technique proposed is based on the reduction of the temporal coherence utilizing enriching the output spectrum of Nd:YVO4 laser with intra-cavity second harmonic generation by additional emission lines. Temperature-controlled simultaneous emission of two components at 1.063 mm and 1.066 mm with nearly equal intensities in IR is achived. In the second-harmonic output the emission lines 531.7 nm, 532.3 nm and 532.8 nm were recorded. The influence of the spectrum variation on the formation of a speckle field was checked. Successfully removed intensity zeros and reduced contrast (visibility) from 0.92 to 0.65 in a light scattered by a ground glass diffuser at the angle 35°. A simple consideration of the speckle field dumping mechanism is presented.
speckle field, coherence, visibilityReferences
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Mikhaylo VasnetsovInstitute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Valeriy VoytsekhovichInstitute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Vladislav PonevchinskyInstitute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Nataliia Kachalova1Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 2L.M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Alina KhodkoInstitute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Oleksanr MamutaInstitute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Volodymyr Pavlovmachinehead6926@gmail.com
Vinnitsia National Technical University Ukraine
Vadym KhomenkoInstitute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Natalia ManichevaOdessа Polytechnic National University Ukraine
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