Khoukha Bouguerra
khaoukha.bouguerra@yahoo.comFerhat Abbas Sétif 1 University-UFAS, Electrical Engineering Department, Automatic Laboratory of Sétif-LAS (Algeria)
Samia Latreche
Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University-UFAS, Electrical Engineering Department, Automatic Laboratory of Sétif-LAS (Algeria)
Hamza Khemlche
Research Centre in Industrial Technologies (Algeria)
Mabrouk Khemliche
Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University-UFAS, Electrical Engineering Department, Automatic Laboratory of Sétif-LAS (Algeria)
The importance of solar energy is manifested in the growing demand for renewable energy sources around the world, which is fueled by environmental concern and the scarcity of conventional energy. Maximum power point trackers (MPPTS) are necessary in solar energy systems due to atmospheric changes that threaten the efficiency of solar energy systems. This article compares MPPT technologies. Including traditional and modern techniques, and despite the results achieved by classical techniques in maximizing and extracting as much energy as possible, they face a big problem in reaching the bone energy point. These provide modern technologies such as FLC and SMC. They provide exceptional accuracy and excellent response in all environmental conditions but come with additional complexity and higher cost. These technologies are ideal in applications that require high performance under continuously changing conditions or in difficult environments (such as large solar power systems or systems dealing with large fluctuations in illumination). This research aims to conduct a comprehensive study and compare of classical technologies (P&O and IncCond) and modern technologies sliding mode control (SMC, Fuzzy Logic Control – FLC), taking into account factors such as efficiency, complexity and response time. Tests were conducted under different climatic conditions to understand and enhance the efficiency of MPPT technologies. Our study highlights the enhanced performance for methods based on modern technologies. This study provides a comprehensive comparative analysis, and by improving the efficiency and reliability of solar energy systems, our research supports the advancement of sustainable energy solutions.
PV, DC/DC converter, MPPT techniques, fuzzy logic control, sliding mode controlReferences
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Khoukha Bouguerrakhaoukha.bouguerra@yahoo.com
Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University-UFAS, Electrical Engineering Department, Automatic Laboratory of Sétif-LAS Algeria
Samia LatrecheFerhat Abbas Sétif 1 University-UFAS, Electrical Engineering Department, Automatic Laboratory of Sétif-LAS Algeria
Hamza KhemlcheResearch Centre in Industrial Technologies Algeria
Mabrouk KhemlicheFerhat Abbas Sétif 1 University-UFAS, Electrical Engineering Department, Automatic Laboratory of Sétif-LAS Algeria
Researcher at Ferhat Abbas University of Setif
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