Danuta Proszak-Miąsik University of Technology (Poland)
Thermovision is a research method based on non-invasive and non-contact evaluation of temperature distribution on the surface of the examined body. These methods are based on observation and recording of the distribution of infrared radiation, sent by each body whose temperature is higher than absolute zero (-273°C) and visualization of the temperature field by thermal imaging equipment. In construction, thermovision is used to assess the quality of materials used in construction, structural solutions and the quality of construction work. With its help we can locate, for example, thermal bridges, which are the result of improperly made or damaged during the operation or installation of thermal insulation. Detection of thermal bridges helps to reduce the amount of fuel used and thus save on the costs of heat energy. Using thermal imaging it is also possible to assess the condition of heating pipelines (damage to insulation, corrosion, location of leaks), control heating devices such as: heat substations, radiators. The subject of the study is to show examples of how thermal imaging is used and useful in construction.
thermal imaging, infrared radiation, heat loss, thermal imaging cameraReferences
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Danuta Proszak-Mią
Rzeszow University of Technology Poland
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