Andrii Ya. Bomba

Rivne State Humanitarian University, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty (Ukraine)

Andrii P. Safonyk

National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Automation, Cybernetics and Computer Engineering (Ukraine)

Kateryna M. Malash

Rivne State Humanitarian University, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty (Ukraine)


The optimal charge power and position necessary for forming the maximum possible size of the crater along with preservation of the integrity of the two nearby objects with the numerical quasiconformal mapping methods with the alternate parameterization of the of the medium and process character are established. Unambiguously the boundaries of crater, pressed and disturbed soil zones are identified and the corresponding field dynamic grid is built. A number of experiments was held on the basis of the developed algorithm and their results were analyzed.


explosion processes, mathematical modelling, parameters identification, quasiconformal mappings

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Cited by

Bomba, A. Y., Safonyk, A. P., & Malash, K. M. (2019). OPTIMIZATION OF CONTROLLED EXPLOSION PROCESSES PARAMETERS USING COMPLEX ANALYSIS METHODS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 9(1), 29–32. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.0893


Andrii Ya. Bomba 

Rivne State Humanitarian University, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty Ukraine


Andrii P. Safonyk 
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Automation, Cybernetics and Computer Engineering Ukraine


Kateryna M. Malash 

Rivne State Humanitarian University, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty Ukraine


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