Igor Golinko
conis@ukr.netNational Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Department of Automation of Heat and Power Engineering Processes (Ukraine)
Volodymyr Drevetskiy
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies (Ukraine)
The dynamical model of heat-mass exchange for a steam humidifier with lumped parameters, which can be used for synthesis of control systems by inflowing-exhaust ventilation installations, or industrial complexes of artificial microclimate, is considered. A mathematical description that represents the dynamical properties of a steam humidifier concerning the main channels of control and perturbation is presented. Numerical simulation of transient processes for the VEZA KCKP-20 humidification chamber to the influence channels was carried out. The achieved dynamical model of a humidification chamber can be the basis for the synthesis of automatic control systems and simulation of transient states. A significant advantage of the obtained mathematical model in the state space is the possibility of synthesis and analysis of a multidimensional control system.
dynamical model, state space, steam humidifierReferences
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Igor Golinkoconis@ukr.net
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Department of Automation of Heat and Power Engineering Processes Ukraine
Volodymyr DrevetskiyNational University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies Ukraine
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