Igor Povhan
igor.povkhan@uzhnu.edu.uaUzhgorod National University, Department of Software Systems (Ukraine)
The paper is dedicated to algorithms for constructing a logical tree of classification. Nowadays, there exist many algorithms for constructing logical classification trees. However, all of them, as a rule, are reduced to the construction of a single classification tree based on the data of a fixed training sample. There are very few algorithms for constructing recognition trees that are designed for large data sets. It is obvious that such sets have objective factors associated with the peculiarities of the generation of such complex structures, methods of working with them and storage. In this paper, we focus on the description of the algorithm for constructing classification trees for a large training set and show the way to the possibility of a uniform description of a fixed class of recognition trees. A simple, effective, economical method of constructing a logical classification tree of the training sample allows you to provide the necessary speed, the level of complexity of the recognition scheme, which guarantees a simple and complete recognition of discrete objects.
pattern recognition problems, logical tree, graph-scheme models, recognition systemReferences
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Igor Povhanigor.povkhan@uzhnu.edu.ua
Uzhgorod National University, Department of Software Systems Ukraine
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