Kamil Krasuski

Zespół Technik Satelitarnych (Poland)


Article presents studies results regard to standalone positioning correction over Ryki District area. In the experiment GPS code observations from RYKI reference station were utilized. Station coordinates were estimated based on two ways in RTKLIB software using Single Point Positioning mathematical formulation. In first test ionosphere delay was determinated using Klobuchar model, but in second case ionosphere VTEC maps were implemented in computations also. Preliminary results of positioning accuracy underline thesis that local ionosphere model should be assimilated to positioning correction. Ionosphere VTEC parameters in test II improves positioning accuracy to 8 m, in comparison to test I. Additionally RMS-3D error was calculated and it can reach up to 11 m.


gps, ionosphere, ionex, single point positioning method, positioning accuracy

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Cited by

Krasuski, K. (2015). UTILIZATION IONEX FILE FOR POSITIONING CORRECTION OVER RYKI DISTRICT AREA. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 5(2), 30–34. https://doi.org/10.5604/20830157.1159327


Kamil Krasuski 
Zespół Technik Satelitarnych Poland


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