Volodymyr Akhramovych

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems (Ukraine)

Yuriy Pepa

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Robotics and Technical Systems (Ukraine)

Anton Zahynei
State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems (Ukraine)

Vadym Akhramovych

National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Computing Center (Ukraine)

Taras Dzyuba

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Management (Ukraine)

Ihor Danylov

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems (Ukraine)


Heterogeneous differential dependencies of the information security indicator (HDISI) in social media (SM) were analyzed, taking into account the duration of the path between clients (UDPC). The resilience of the information security indicator system (RSIIS) was also determined. The HDISI in SM was developed based on UDPC conditions. It uses modern methods and techniques, including a non-specific method. The conditions of a fixed precondition were formed according to the time grid. This dependency provides a comprehensive explanation of how the previous transformation is replaced by the elapsed period. SM is a set of clients and their types of communication. Clients can be individuals, populations, settlements, or countries. Communication is understood as more than just the transmission and receipt of information. It also includes interaction, the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and discussion. Under the angle of mathematics, the HDISI model based on non-homogeneous differential equations (NDE) was analyzed and its transcendental study was done. The transcendental study of nonlinear HDISI models in SM showed that the characteristics of UDPC significantly affect the information security indicator (ISI) - up to one hundred percent. Phase diagrams (PDs) of ISI were studied, which indicate the highest ISI even at the maximum parameters of malicious actions. For the first time, the analysis of designed HDISI structures was carried out and numerical criteria between the capabilities of UDPC and the measures of ISI, as well as the highest ISI, were obtained, which shows the scientific content of this article.


social media, mathematical models, information security indicator

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Cited by

Akhramovych, V., Pepa, Y., Zahynei, A., Akhramovych, V., Dzyuba, T., & Danylov, I. (2024). METHOD FOR CALCULATING THE INFORMATION SECURITY INDICATOR IN SOCIAL MEDIA WITH CONSIDERATION OF THE PATH DURATION BETWEEN CLIENTS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 14(1), 71–77.


Volodymyr Akhramovych 

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor , Associate Professor, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine. Teaches the following disciplines:

- Methods of receiving and processing signals in information security systems;

- Cyber security of banking and commercial structures;

- Theory of information resources protection with limited access;

- Licensing, certification and certification in the security field of information activity objects;

- Organization of science and research.

Over 200 scientific papers have been published, 13 of it are the USSR copyright certificates, 14 patents of Russia. The sole author of four textbooks, co-authored with two textbooks and three workshops.

He has been working in the field of higher education for more than thirty years.


Yuriy Pepa 

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Robotics and Technical Systems Ukraine

Candidate of technical sciences, Head of the Department of Robotics and Technical Systems, State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Anton Zahynei
State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems Ukraine

Postgraduate student, senior lecturer. Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Vadym Akhramovych 

National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Computing Center Ukraine

Head of the computing center of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Taras Dzyuba 

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Management Ukraine

Ph.D. in  Technical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Information and Cybersecurity Management, State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Ihor Danylov 

State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems Ukraine

Postgraduate student оf  Department of Information and Cybersecurity Systems of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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