Maksym Korobchynskyi
Space-air society of Ukraine (Ukraina)

Oleg Mashkov

State Ecological Academy for postgraduate education and management (Ukraina)


W prezentowanej pracy autorzy wdrażają matematyczny opis systemu kontroli złożonego systemu dynamicznego. Przykładem takiego systemu jest grupa bezzałogowych samolotów. Zaimplementowano odpowiedni opis matematyczny kontrolowanego obiektu stosując podejście systemowe, które opisuje wszystkie elementy systemu uwzględniając wszystkie relacje między nimi.

Słowa kluczowe:

obiekt kontrolowany, system sterowania, transformata Laplace'a, bezzałogowe statki powietrzne

Korobchinskiy M.V.: Topical issues of organization of the UAV’s team flights control, Collected volume of scientific works of G.E.Pukhov Institute of modeling issues in power industry. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2011, Issue. 61, pp. 14-25.
  Google Scholar

Korobchinskiy M.V.: Analyzing a method of modeling relations between individual components of information system, Collected volume of scientific works, Modeling and information technologies. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2012, Issue. 65, pp. 174-182.
  Google Scholar

Korobchinskiy M.V.: Analyzing the possibilities of mathematical logic means to identify the anomalies in control system of the UAV of UAV, Collected volume of scientific works of G.E.Pukhov Institute of modeling issues in power industry. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2012, Issue. 65. pp. 165-172.
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Mashkov O.A., Korobchinskiy M.V., Usenko I.P.: Analysis of the energy characteristics of communication radio channels construction in a networked system of moving objects control, Collected volume of scientific works: Institute of modeling issues in power industry, Issue. 32, Kyiv, 2006, pp.138-150.
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Mashkov O.A., Korobchinskiy M.V., Usenko I.P.: Analysis of trends for improving the performance of a network system structure of moving objects control. Collected volume of scientific works: Modeling and information technologies. Institute of modeling issues in power industry, Issue. 36, Kyiv, 2006, p. 138-153.
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Mashkov O.A., Azarskov V.M., Durnyak B.V., Kondratenko S.P.: Analysis of the possible variants of constructing functionally stable control complex of remotely piloted vehicles using pseudo-satellite technologies, Collected volume of scientific works: Institute of modeling issues in power industry, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Issue. 42, 2007, pp. 28-40.
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Korobchynskyi, M., & Mashkov, O. (2014). METODY TWORZENIA OPTYMALNEGO SYSTEMU KONTROLI GRUPĄ BEZZAŁOGOWYCH STATKÓW POWIETRZNYCH. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 4(1), 41–43.


Maksym Korobchynskyi
Space-air society of Ukraine Ukraina


Oleg Mashkov 

State Ecological Academy for postgraduate education and management Ukraina


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