PROFESSIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY POSITION AND ROLE OF ACADEMIC CONSERVATOR-RESTORERS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE Methodical symbiosis and transdisciplinary cooperation using the example of the rebuilding and conservation of two Ottoman palaces in Istanbul
Jörg Breitenfeldt
German National Committee of ICOMOS (Germany)
Professional ethics and tasks for conservator-restorers, in the preservation of cultural heritage in Europe today: considering the development of scientific conservation-restoration and the improvement of academic education for conservator-restorers in the course of the twentieth century, this paper will analyse the professional position of conservator-restorers and their role in the interdisciplinary cooperation with other professionals dealing with the preservation of cultural heritage. How does cooperation run in the planning stage and in theory and in practice on site? How can we differentiate between the specific professional contributions of conservator-restorers and the activities of other professionals in the field of heritage preservation? How can we improve communication and interdisciplinary cooperation between all professionals involved?
Conservation-restoration of built heritage, conservation-restoration profession, interdisciplinary cooperation, Ottoman palaces in IstanbulReferences
Bachmann, M. (2012). Die Bedeutung der osmanischen Holzhäuser für die Istanbuler Stadträume, in Pirson, F. (Ed.). Manifestationen von Macht und Hierarchien in Stadtraum und Landschaft. Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk der Abteilung Istanbul im Rahmen des Forschungsclusters 3 „Politische Räume” des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (pp. 299-320). Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Istanbul: Ege Yayınları (Byzas, 13).
Jörg BreitenfeldtGerman National Committee of ICOMOS Germany
University graduated Conservator-Restorer, M.A. in Architectural-History, Consulting Engineer of the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers and member of the German National Committee of ICOMOS and the German National Scientific Committee for the Conservation and Restoration of Wall Painting and Architectural Surface, expert for building conservation-restoration and owner of a conservation-restoration office in Berlin
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