Mechthild Noll-Minor
Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments (Germany)
Transdisciplinarity has shaped the development of both conservation science and conservation-restoration. The history of conservation science demands the commitment of all involved specialists to follow a common vision in the field. The present article highlights some key lessons to assist in closing the gap between the promotion of high-level research projects and the development and assessment of proficient professional practice in conservation science and conservation-restoration. The necessary framework conditions should also be brought to the attention of responsible politicians.
Reflecting on conservation theory and practice “at the turn of the millennium” I propose to take a closer look at interdisciplinary work devoted to maintenance of Cultural Heritage since the beginning of the 20th century.
Transdisciplinarity, monitoring, quality assessment, mural painting, sepulchreReferences
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Mechthild Noll-MinorBrandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments Germany
Chief Conservator of the Department of Conservation-restoration and Building Research in the Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments, member of ICOMOS and of the NSC Conservation-Restoration of Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces of ICOMOS Germany, member of the Board of the German Professional Association of Conservator-Restorers VDR Verband der Restauratoren
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