Laser scanning of the wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael The Archangel in Haczów, Poland

Wojciech Markowski


Anna Wierzejska
VR Heritage (Poland)


The continuous destruction of world heritage prompts us to ask if more can be done to reduce the consequences of the loss. Disasters, such as the recent partial destruction of Notre-Dame cathedral in a fire, put us at risk of losing world heritage sites forever. The article points to the role of technologically advanced method of documentation - 3D laser scanning in keeping world heritage “alive” in a virtual world. The visualisations generated as a result offer exciting research applications for the scientific community. Beyond that as they can be shared with audiences around the world, using online platforms. The monument chosen to carry the 3D laser scanning documented in this article was a medieval wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael The Archangel in Haczów, Poland. The temple is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List which confirms the recognition of its value on the global scale.


laser scanning, virtual reality, cultural heritage, 3d documentation, scans

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Cited by

Markowski, W., & Wierzejska, A. (2020). Laser scanning of the wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael The Archangel in Haczów, Poland. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (9), 141–159.


Wojciech Markowski 


Co-founder of VR Heritage.

Executive Producer at Dream Adoption Society.

Founder and Producer at Flux-VR.

Founder and Producer at Muddy Hill Productions.


Anna Wierzejska
VR Heritage Poland


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