Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Developing New Approaches and Best Practices for World Heritage Based on Indigenous Perspectives and Values

Proceedings, Recommendations, and Outcomes of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee Conference and Forum on Indigenous Cultural Heritage, 2019

Diane Archibald
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration (Canada)


In support of advancing the recognition and inclusion of Indigenous Cultural Heritage in all its diverse forms within the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and World Heritage Site designations, this paper documents and discusses the presentations, Indigenous-led Forum, and recommendations  and outcomes of the International Conference on Indigenous Cultural Heritage organized by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Restoration and Conservation in partnership with the First Nations House of Learning, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in November 2019.


indigenous culture, heritage, architecture, landscape, culture

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
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UNESCO Policy on Engaging with Indigenous Peoples
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ICOMOS Nara Document on Authenticity
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UNESCO Convention on The Protection and Promotion of The Diversity of Cultural Expressions
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UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
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Cited by

Archibald, D. (2020). Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Developing New Approaches and Best Practices for World Heritage Based on Indigenous Perspectives and Values: Proceedings, Recommendations, and Outcomes of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee Conference and Forum on Indigenous Cultural Heritage, 2019. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (9), 1–13.


Diane Archibald
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration Canada


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