The case study of Villa Beatrice d’Este: management planning of a multi-layered site with Medieval ruins in the Veneto Region, Italy

Valentina Gamba
Venetian Cluster; (Italy)

Sergio Calò

Venetian Cluster; (Italy)

Maurizio Malé

Venetian Cluster; (Italy)

Enzo Moretto

Butterfly Arc Ltd.; (Italy)


Villa Beatrice d’Este is a 17th century Venetian Villa in the Veneto Region, Italy, located within the area of the Euganean Hills Regional Park. The villa was built to replace a previous 13th century Medieval Monastery, whose structure was integrated in the villa. Remains of the Medieval structures are still visible today. The monumental complex constitutes an example of a multi-layered site with continuous life from Medieval times up to the present days. For this reason, the site was selected as a case study by the EU-funded project RUINS, in view of proposing a management plan to protect and valorise its complex heritage, as an example of heritage site with Medieval ruins in Europe.


Medieval heritage, ruins, Venetian Villas, sustainability, valorisation, protection

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Cited by

Gamba, V., Calò, S. ., Malé, M. ., & Moretto, E. (2020). The case study of Villa Beatrice d’Este: management planning of a multi-layered site with Medieval ruins in the Veneto Region, Italy. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (10), 19–44.


Valentina Gamba
Venetian Cluster; Italy


Sergio Calò 

Venetian Cluster; Italy


Maurizio Malé 

Venetian Cluster; Italy


Enzo Moretto 

Butterfly Arc Ltd.; Italy


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