Criteria to Be Met by Contemporary Design Works Transforming the Form and Utility Program of Historic Sacred Architecture in the View of Selected Examples from Europe
Konrad Szumińskił Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej (Poland)
This paper deals with the still current problem of the transformation of the form of historic sacred architecture in the process of adaptation to contemporary utility functions. The phenomenon of secularization determines the functional conversion of churches, and therefore requires from architects an appropriate approach to design in a historical context with respect for the element of sacrum. The aim of this research was to formulate principles that should be applied during design interventions in historic religious buildings. The research was based on case studies of selected examples from Europe, which illustrate various degrees of design interventions in historical substance. The projects have been subjected to conservator's evaluation on the basis of criteria such as the degree of conservation of their historic values and the nature of the relationship between the monument and the contemporary architectural form. As a result of the analysis, the final conclusions were drawn relating to the preferred functional, spatial, structural and material features of contemporary architectural additions to historic places of worship.
sacral architecture, secularism, sacrum, monument, adaptationReferences
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Konrad Szumiń
Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej Poland
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