The Role of Local Communities in the Discourse of Controversial Heritage of Norway and Estonia

Ave Paulus

Arnstein Bard Brekke



This chapter analyses paradigm shifts in the discourse of heritage sites connected with tragic personal stories, memories and relics, emphasising local communities’ role in reframing controversial heritage in Norway and Estonia. Although these stories come from different cultures and places, they all revolve around the question of how we approach the most delicate strings in the human mind: beliefs, sorrows and dignity. The sites under discussion are “ hosts” of tragedies from the past century. Among heritage communities, states and experts, there were intense debates about the value and fate of those areas. Besides several historical, political and socioeconomic issues, personal wounds weretaken into account. The first case describes initatives of heritage communities to recognize and acknowledge values of contested Cold War heritage: Suurpea Naval Base built during Soviet occupation, and the deportations on the coasts of Estonia. The second case deals with the initial demolition and later recognition of
Sami burial sites and sacred landscapes of Arctic Norway, restoring rights to Saami heritage. These cases highlight the importance of inclusiveness in dealing with conflicting histories, involoving reconciliation and restitution of dignity to the heritage and communities concerned. Authors rely on a holistic concept of cultural heritage. Community spirit and and sense of place are essential indicators of local character. Authors show the benefits of a people-centred approach towards heritage as a basis for transformative change in heritage protection. The authors’ positions are not purely academic as they have been involved in defining and protecting the cultural heritage in discussed areas.


cultural heritage, heritage communities, sociocultural accessibility, inclusiveness, restitution, reconciliation

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Cited by

Paulus, A., & Brekke, A. B. (2022). The Role of Local Communities in the Discourse of Controversial Heritage of Norway and Estonia . Protection of Cultural Heritage, (13), 111–128.


Ave Paulus

Ave Paulus is the President of ICOMOS Estonia, a member of ISCC-IFLA, ICLAFI, Water Heritage, ICOMOS Rights-Based Approaches, and Climate Action working groups. She is an expert from Estonia in the European Union OMC Group on Strengthening Cultural Heritage Resilience for Climate Change. She has master's degrees from the Estonian Academy of Arts (heritage conservation and restoration) and Tartu University (semiotics and theory of culture). Her doctoral thesis relates to the topic of community-based heritage protection. She has coordinated cooperation between heritage communities, states, and universities in more than 30 development projects concerning heritage management. She is a specialist for cultural heritage issues in the Environmental Board of Estonia, a Council member of Virumaa Museums, a spokesperson for the intangible heritage of the Folk Culture Centre, and a Board member of Lahemaa and Alutaguse National Parks Cooperation Councils. Paulus has presented her research results at many national and international scientific events and papers. Her particular interest is coastal heritage.


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Arnstein Bard Brekke 


Arnstein Brekke is a member of the board of ICOMOS Norway, leader of the WOOD committee of Norway and member of the International Wood Committee. Arnstein Brekke works as a conservation officer and project manager at the centre for conservation of vernacular architecture in Nordland, Bodø town. Educated carpenter and engineer in wooden buildings, he has experience researching and protecting vernacular buildings in the Arctic region of Norway. Brekke has been active in research on Sami cultural heritage, focused on the Pite Sami region. In 2021 Brekke made a report to The Norwegian Directorate of cultural heritage about knowledge from a cultural heritage that can be useful in dealing with climate changes.  


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