From Beneficiation Haciendas to Heritage Public Spaces in the City of Guanajuato. Plaza de los Ángeles Case

Enya Cerca Cervantes
Departamento de Arquitectura, Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)

Velia Yolanda Ordaz Zubia

Departamento de Arquitectura, Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)


Some centuries ago, the city of Guanajuato was divided into neighborhoods in which a beneficiation hacienda was generally located. Various activities related to mining and metallurgical work were carried out, a predominant characteristic in the region such as quicksilver and the casting of metals. With the passage of time, these beneficiation haciendas were subdivided, the families of the workers remained on the farms adjacent to the big house (where the owner of the quicksilver or head of the smelter lived), and gave up their place to heritage public spaces which are visited and admired today by the tourism sector. In some cases, the land use changed, and in others it continues to be the predominant use in the area. Another no less important factor is the observable state of conservation, because, although there are few buildings whose infrastructure does not receive the attention they should, it does not affect the popularity enjoyed by the space in question.


Beneficiation haciendas, public space, land use, state of conservation

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Cited by

Cerca Cervantes, E., & Ordaz Zubia, V. Y. (2023). From Beneficiation Haciendas to Heritage Public Spaces in the City of Guanajuato. Plaza de los Ángeles Case. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (16), 35–43.


Enya Cerca Cervantes
Departamento de Arquitectura, Universidad de Guanajuato Mexico


Velia Yolanda Ordaz Zubia 

Departamento de Arquitectura, Universidad de Guanajuato Mexico


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