Intangible values and touristification of public spaces in the ancient centre of Naples (Italy)
The identity of the ancient city centre of Naples has been historically founded on the co-existence of tangible and intangible values underpinning a compact fabric of centuries-old architectural and urban stratifications. Their lasting character and presence in public spaces contributes to the image of Naples as an authentic and multi-layered city, recognized as Historic Urban Landscape and listed as a World Heritage Site twenty-eight years later. At the same time, preservation of these values poses a challenge with regard to the change of roles in some public spaces due to material, economic and social pressure, particularly touristification. This cyclical process determined by physical transformations of the urban configuration and new functional characterization of “overtouristic” areas is especially affecting public spaces located along the main tourist routes in the ancient centre, for example the churchyard of Santa Chiara. The article aims to reflect on the prospects of these areas, examining the role played by touristification in the conservation of their identity as crucial in the management of historic urban preservation. This is supplemented with more general reflections on significant spaces such as churchyards and gardens, which are turned into public areas, shaping both cities and their citizens, with the aim to define the right balance between the reasons behind development and the conservation of heritage and authenticity.Keywords:
Conservation, identity, touristification, Naples, churchyardsReferences
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Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli Italy
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