Monuments of history – a critical view

Jacek Dąbrowski
Polski Komitet TICCIH (Poland)


The  monument of history as a concept appeared in the Act of 15 February 1962 on the Protection of Cultural Property and Museums. In the current legal act: The Act of 23 July 2003 on the protection and care of historical monuments, the monument of history is a form of protection of historical monuments. Since 1962, no rules have been introduced to cover the criteria for selecting monuments and the methods of preparing and processing applications for recognition as historical monuments. As a result, the recognition of real estate monuments as monuments of history is burdened with a high degree of discretion. The list of 105 historical monuments is not representative either quantitatively or qualitatively in relation to the entire collection of monuments entered in the register of monuments. It is necessary to introduce regulations governing this state, as well as clear rules for financing the conservation of monuments recognized as historical monuments.


Monument of History, protection of monuments

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Cited by

Dąbrowski, J. (2019). Monuments of history – a critical view. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (7), 41–50.


Jacek Dąbrowski
Polski Komitet TICCIH Poland


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