35 years of World Heritage in the UK – challenges and opportunities

Chris Blandford

ICOMOS UK (United Kingdom)


The United Kingdom ratified the World Heritage Convention in 1984 and since then 33 World Heritage Sites (WHS) have been inscribed onto UNESCO’s World Heritage List. These including 29 “onshore” and 4 in the UK’s Overseas Territories. While Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is the common denominator, the UK Sites display great variety and complexity in terms of size, type, context, boundaries, governance, investment, and management requirements. Between 2019 and 2021 a comprehensive audit and review of the World Heritage sector was undertaken by World Heritage UK (WHUK). This paper sets out the context, challenges, and opportunities that were revealed by the review.


UNESCO, guidelines, United Kingdom, World Heritage

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UNESCO, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Heritage Centre 2019
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Cited by

Blandford, C. (2023). 35 years of World Heritage in the UK – challenges and opportunities. Protection of Cultural Heritage, 1(17), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.35784/odk.5436


Chris Blandford 

ICOMOS UK United Kingdom


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