Local government conservators of monuments as contractors of provincial conservators. A brief summary of the experiment

Robert Hirsch

Faculty od Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology, Urban Monuments Conservator (Poland)


The article deals with the issue of the implementation of one of the tasks of historic preservation by local governments. It presents the issue of the performance of tasks of government administration, by local government conservators of monuments on the basis of agreements between governors and local governments. This solution was related to the considerable expectations of the conservation community. After more than 20 years of operation of local government conservators performing the tasks entrusted to the WKZ, the effectiveness of this solution can already be partially summarized. However, the experience is not unequivocal. In addition to the many benefits and good functioning of cooperation between state and local government bodies on the basis of agreements, there are also examples of lack of cooperation and, as a result, dissolution of such agreements, especially in the last 10 years. This leads to the conclusion that this solution cannot be considered optimal and further changes are needed to improve it.


Gdynia, conservator of monuments, protection of heritage, local government

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Cited by

Hirsch, R. (2023). Local government conservators of monuments as contractors of provincial conservators. A brief summary of the experiment. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (18), 23–34. https://doi.org/10.35784/odk.5674


Robert Hirsch 
Faculty od Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology, Urban Monuments Conservator Poland


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