Social heritage management – local potential in the light of survey research – The case of Mościce
Social research in the field of cultural heritage protection can be invaluable support for specialists. Surveys allow the determination of the community's attachment to local heritage, identification of actions approved by the community, and assessment of engagement in utilizing local potential.
The potential use of social research as an additional tool in monument preservation has been presented based on the results of a survey assessing the heritage of Mościce – a modernist district of Tarnów, which emerged as an autonomous locality centered around the construction of the Państwowa Fabryka Zakładów Azotowych since 1927.
The study aimed to define the social perception of the value of Tarnów's Mościce district heritage by evaluating individual objects and institutions, awareness of legal forms of protection and care for its monuments, indicating organizations dealing with these issues, and exploring possibilities for revitalization, primarily through the prism of community participation. The survey was conducted using the CAWI method.
Considering social opinions can be not only a formality but also a source of knowledge allowing the recognition of local community sentiments, which often influence the commitment and development of the monument preservation process. The participation of individuals without knowledge and experience in monument protection should not exclude the consideration of their ideas and observations.
social research, modernism, survey, heritage managementReferences
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