The Venice Charter – the foundation of heritage protection or the burden of the past? An answer through the Greek experience

Dimitrios Zygomalas
Ministry of Culture, Service of Modern Monuments and Technical Works of Central Macedonia (Greece)


In the 60 years since its adoption, the Venice Charter has become a foremost point of reference in the conservation agenda of numerous countries around the globe, especially in Europe. The celebrated document’s relation with Greece in particular started upon its very conception; one of the contributors to its compilation came from Greece, namely architect Efstathios Stikas. Yet despite this early connection, the charter’s influence in Greek conservation matters was initially minimal, and only after 1974, became substantial. Based on bibliographic and archival research, coupled with personal experience from related duties, the present paper seeks to review and appraise the development of the usefulness of the charter in the Greek context, with emphasis on its post-1974 contribution in four major fields of related action: legislation, judicial affairs, specialized education, and conservation and restoration works. This assessment provides the basis for a conclusive remark as to the acclaimed document’s culminating function, along with proposals for an optimization of its future contribution.


Venice Charter, Greece, Legislation, Judicial affairs, Education, Conservation

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Cited by

Zygomalas, D. (2024). The Venice Charter – the foundation of heritage protection or the burden of the past? An answer through the Greek experience. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (20), 49–68.


Dimitrios Zygomalas
Ministry of Culture, Service of Modern Monuments and Technical Works of Central Macedonia Greece


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