From monuments to living heritage. Revisiting the Venice Charter in the conservation of younger industrial heritage
Alberte Klysner Steffensen
aks@aarch.dkAarhus School of Architecture, Denmark (Denmark)
The Venice Charter of 1964 has been the benchmark for tenets governing architectural conservation and set forth pivotal principles that shaped conservation practices for decades. However, conceived during a time when heritage was primarily associated with physical monuments, the landscape of cultural heritage has transformed significantly since then, encompassing immaterial aspects, democratisation of heritage values, and diverse sustainability considerations.
This research aims at exploring the strengths, limitations, and adaptability of the Venice Charter in light of evolving perspectives on heritage. The paper delves into the charter's historical context, asking whether it remains a guiding beacon or a potential hindrance. A key focus of the research is the examination of obstacles associated with the conservation of younger heritage in the face of contemporary challenges posed by sustainability imperatives. The inherent complexities of managing heritage structures marked by ongoing developmental histories and changes are explored with an example of industrial heritage dealing with the concept of ‘living heritage’. In the context of a future where resource responsibility and reuse are paramount matters, firm definitions of original substance as defined in the Venice Charter, as well as a static perception of conservation, may pose challenges, particularly for unintentional monuments situated in complex environments or marked by evolving narratives through time. Marking the 60th anniversary of the Venice Charter, this research sheds light on the charter’s legacy and its validity in the contemporary landscape of heritage protection as well as the future role of the monuments in our ever-changing societal context.
industrial heritage, living heritage, sustainability, conservation doctrines, changeReferences
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Alberte Klysner
Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark Denmark
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