Protection of contemporary cultural goods in Lodz planning documents - defining the resource and rules of protection
The concept of the contemporary cultural heritage was introduced statutorily in 2003 along with the obligation to define these heritage and to determine the rules of their protection in planning documents. However, unlike the monuments, no institution was indicated statutorily which would exercise care and supervise the protection of this resource.
In many municipalities the responsibility for identifying the resource and proposing the rules for its protection were taken over by the local branches of the Associations of Polish Architects. In Lodz, this task was carried out in planning documents, both at the provincial and municipal level.
The starting point was the expert studies presented subsequently at the forum of architects, urban planners and conservators.
Currently in Lodz a discussion was resumed in order to verify the previous proposals, both in terms of selection criteria, including watershed time, as well as the principles of the protection of contemporary architectural and urban heritage of our city.
The article presents the methodology adopted, examples of objects, the scope of protection and dilemmas accompanying the pointing of contemporary heritage in Lodz.
contemporary heritage, planning documentsReferences
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