The system of monument protection services in Poland and social participation in the protection of monuments

Stefan Fuglewicz

Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments in Warsaw (Poland)


The role that civil society plays in protection of historic monuments and sites is defined in Polish strategic documents. No procedures for cooperating with historic preservation officers have been, however, established. This article looks at an organisation named “Social Guardians of Monuments and Sites” and says why it is necessary to use its services in view of the existing system being inefficient. Additionally, it also explains reasons behind this inefficiency and explores various cooperation possibilities. Moreover, the article points out that even when the services responsible for protection of monuments and sites are reformed, cooperation with the above-mentioned organisation will be still needed and justified. This results not only from considerable disproportion between responsibilities and possibilities of both institutions but also from effectiveness of the government body being questionable. Furthermore, the structure of historic preservation services should be based on cooperation requirements - it should be simple, clear, and should allow for using already gained experience.


protection of monuments and sites, participation,, Social Guardian of Monuments and Sites

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Cited by

Fuglewicz, S. (2016). The system of monument protection services in Poland and social participation in the protection of monuments. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (1), 51–60.


Stefan Fuglewicz 

Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments in Warsaw Poland

mgr inż., społecznik, członek-założyciel Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Fortyfikacji, były sekretarz
Zarządu Glówneo I prezes Oddziału Warszaskiego TPF, członek Towarzystwa Opieki nad Zabytkami
I Stowarzyszenia Reduta Ordona, od 2007 r. pracuje w Wojewódzkim Urzędzie Ochrony Zabytków
w Warszawie. Specjalizuje się w dziedzinie zabytkowego budownictwa obronnego


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