The Venice Charter in the age of climate change

Tino Mager
University of Groningen (Netherlands)


This article is a reflection on the Venice Charter as a product of the 1960s and places it in the context of the built heritage and the discourse related to it at that time. It provides reflections on the continued validity of the Charter, and, in particular, on its significance in times of changing climatic conditions. The article aims to re-contextualize the Charter in the 21st century and makes suggestions to ensure its continued relevance. While the Venice Charter defined the main principles of heritage conservation in the second half of the 20th century, it remains unclear whether these principles although recognized and acknowledged can be maintained in a world with very different conditions for built heritage.


Climate change, Authenticity, Venice Charter, Sustainability

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Cited by

Mager, T. (2024). The Venice Charter in the age of climate change. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (20), 93–102.


Tino Mager
University of Groningen Netherlands


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