Green Marketing: An Ethical and Anti-Environmental Resilient Approach for Sustainable Business
Sachin Chauhan
COER University, Roorkee, College of Business Studies, India (India)
Naznin Naznin
Quantum University, Roorkee Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, India (India)
Green Marketing is not a novel concept in the field of marketing. The American Marketing Association designates green marketing as an essential tool of marketing that promotes environmentally friendly products. In line with this thought, the present study attempts to show that green marketing practices entail the core elements of sustainability i.e., social responsibility, environmental concern and economic growth that reinforce in promoting sustainable development. Besides, it also argues that though there are many overarching implications and challenges in green marketing practices yet it substantially contributes in attaining sustainable development goals by incorporating ethical standards in all of its operational antecedents. This study therefore incorporates the notion of transgenerational ethics of Kant’s Categorical Imperative in green marketing approach. In doing so, it would serve as a guiding forum to the contemporary marketers primarily to prevent the absolute anthropocentrism and pragmatically engage the interests of society, economy and environment equitably by inculcating ethical practices in daily phenomena. At the corollary, the argument shows that the imperative of ethics in green marketing would be an ethical and anti-environmental resilient approach for ensuring sustainable business.
American Marketing Association, anthropocentrism, Green Marketing, Kant’s Categorical Imperative, sustainable development, transgenerational ethicsReferences
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Sachin ChauhanCOER University, Roorkee, College of Business Studies, India India
Naznin NazninQuantum University, Roorkee Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, India India
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