Sustainable Development, Globalization, Non-antagonistic Development, Philosophical Environmentalism and Endangered Democracy

Wiesław Sztumski
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland (Poland)


In this paper, one discusses the conditions favourable for sustainable development, limitations of it in the social reality and the sense of implementing it everywhere. The author points out that sustainable development has always taken place in nature thanks to the mechanisms of self-regulation and the laws of nature. However, what is new is the idea of sustainable development in the social reality. Balancing   inequalities to the end, i.e. until the state of permanent equilibrium of social systems is achieved, leads to stagnation. Because the source of sustainable development is throwing off equilibrium, and stabilization kills development. He also indicates that the idea of sustainable development was not born out of ecological, but economic reasons, and still serves mainly economic, not ecological purposes. It works best in the sphere of the economy. Nevertheless, it is implemented everywhere with a better or worse result, because the world fashion for sustainable development and its mythologization has prevailed. One sees in it a panacea for all social problems. In fact, it is a tool of self-regulation in social systems that ensure the survival of them. There is a feedback loop between sustainable development and globalization. Sustainable development contributes to globalization, and globalization promotes sustainable development. However, only until one reaches some critical moment. Then, globalization begins to hinder sustainable development and eventually makes it unfeasible. The condition for the implementation of sustainable development is the freedom provided by the democratic system. Therefore, it works best in a liberal democracy. Unfortunately, this democracy is already collapsing. It has taken on a caricature form that makes difficult for people to live and for governments to exercise power. Therefore, one replaces it by totalitarian or fascist regimes, which for different reasons gives greater hope for a better functioning of the state. However, totalitarianism limits freedom significantly and fascism, in addition, raises legitimate fear due to negative historical experiences. There is no place for sustainable development in these regimes. That is why many researchers and politicians want to stop fascism and bring about sanitation of democracy with New Enlightenment, New Metanoia, and New Humanism. In such way, they want to enable further sustainable development.


sustainable development, antagonizing the opposites, theory of non-antagonistic development, democracy, fascism, New Metanoia, New Enlightenment, New Humanism, culture of violence, philosophical environmentalism

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Cited by

Sztumski, W. (2023). Sustainable Development, Globalization, Non-antagonistic Development, Philosophical Environmentalism and Endangered Democracy. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 18(1), 28–36.


Wiesław Sztumski
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland Poland


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