Ethics of Responsibility of Hans Jonas and Sustainable Development (Imperatives and Dilemmas)

Helena Ciążela

Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie, Poland (Poland)


Ethics of responsibility of Hans Jonas belongs to the most popular trends of global ethics. The most often it is treated as coherent with ethics of a sustainable development. Such relation is not clear. Ethics of Jonas refers to a process of evolution and- while stressing exceptionality of its effects – concentrates on their protection. Such axiological assumptions lead to a conception of heuristics of fear constituting, according to Jonas, a requirement of activity towards global problems in a contemporary world. Such approach is questioning however the idea of a sustainable development as a basic imperative of activity of the mankind. Hence, the problem of heuristics of fear requires a deep analysis from a perspective of a sustainable development.


ethics of responsibility of Hans Jonas, heuristics of fear, sustainable development

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Cited by

Ciążela , H. (2006). Ethics of Responsibility of Hans Jonas and Sustainable Development (Imperatives and Dilemmas). Problemy Ekorozwoju, 1(2), 107–114. Retrieved from


Helena Ciążela  

Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie, Poland Poland


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