Possibilities of Developing Sustainable World by Introducing Bioeconomy: Global Perspective

Oleh V. Skydan

Polissia National University, Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Investment Activities, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine (Ukraine)

Maryna I. Yaremova

Polissia National University, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine (Ukraine)

Liudmyla V. Tarasovych

Polissia National University, Department of Marketing, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine (Ukraine)

Vitalii Ye. Dankevych

Polissia National University, Department of International Economic Relations and European Integration, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine (Ukraine)

Nataliia M. Kutsmus

Polissia National University, Department of International Economic Relations and European Integration, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine (Ukraine)


At the time of the study, the world economy is attempting to form a resource-efficient policy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the evolution of the development of strategies and tactics of bioeconomic policy in the international space. The study substantiated the specific features of the implementation of special state and regional programmes of the advanced countries of the world, which differ in socio-economic ideas and prospects for their implementation. The comparative review of strategies identified similarities and differences between them, which allowed to differentiate strategic documents for the implementation of bioeconomic policy in certain areas. The study provides graphic visualisation of distribution of the countries according to the established orientation. The authors of the study proved the convergent difference of bioeconomic policy within each of the above areas by development goals, key objectives, and means of achieving them in a certain spatial dimension.


strategic guidelines, biotechnological manifestation, bioresource direction, bioenergy

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Cited by

Skydan, O. V., Yaremova, M. I., Tarasovych, L. V., Dankevych, V. Y., & Kutsmus, N. M. (2022). Possibilities of Developing Sustainable World by Introducing Bioeconomy: Global Perspective. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 17(1), 162–170. https://doi.org/10.35784/pe.2022.1.15


Oleh V. Skydan 
Polissia National University, Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Investment Activities, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ukraine


Maryna I. Yaremova 

Polissia National University, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ukraine


Liudmyla V. Tarasovych 

Polissia National University, Department of Marketing, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ukraine


Vitalii Ye. Dankevych 

Polissia National University, Department of International Economic Relations and European Integration, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ukraine


Nataliia M. Kutsmus 

Polissia National University, Department of International Economic Relations and European Integration, 10002, 7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ukraine


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