Systematic Review on Urban Ecosystem Services in South-East Asia: Asean Countries
Nur Shazwanie Rosehan
Universiti Kebangsaan, Centre for Research in Development, Social & Environment (SEEDS), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Azlan Abas Kebangsaan, Centre for Research in Development, Social & Environment (SEEDS), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Kadaruddin Aiyub
Universiti Kebangsaan, Centre for Research in Development, Social & Environment (SEEDS), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Urban ecosystem services refer to all the benefits of nature especially to the urban community and economy for maintaining human well-being. This concept links to the economic, community and environmental aspects and shows how nature conservation is important for human and economic principles. However, the view of urban ecosystem services assessment based on essential categories with current urban development is provided. So, this paper reviews the aim to analyze the types and assessing the categories of urban ecosystem services and the methodological used in ASEAN countries. Furthermore, understanding studies about urban ecosystem services are important in long-term studies for monitoring purpose. As a result, 8 out of 10 ASEAN countries excluding Laos and Brunei have studied urban ecosystem services. In this context, the result also shows the most studies specify the significance of the ecosystem services given by the urban as regulating (waste absorption, climate regulation, water purification, flood regulation, and disease control) and followed by cultural (tranquility, social relations, and recreation). Thus, exploring urban ecosystem interaction in current ASEAN countries may have added benefits in terms of improving the urban ecosystem services to streamline the urban area planning. Finally, we conclude that all the ASEAN countries should play an important role to make sure the countries maintain sustainable and more livable with the right policies and guidelines like can fit in Paris Agreement especially in Climate Strategies and plans.
urban ecology, urbanization, Paris Agreement, sustainable development, environmental managementReferences
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Nur Shazwanie RosehanUniversiti Kebangsaan, Centre for Research in Development, Social & Environment (SEEDS), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan, Centre for Research in Development, Social & Environment (SEEDS), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Malaysia
Kadaruddin AiyubUniversiti Kebangsaan, Centre for Research in Development, Social & Environment (SEEDS), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Malaysia
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