Environmental Refugees, Suggested Solutions of the Problem in the Framework of International Law
Piotr Krajewski
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, The Faculty of Law and Administration Obitza 1 Street, 10 702 Olsztyn, Poland (Poland)
Some environmental changes (either natural or anthropogenic usually caused by leaving sustainable management of its natural resources) alter natural conditions to such an extent that individuals and entire communities are forced to leave their place of permanent residence and seek another that would provide them with at least the minimum subsistence level of living. Some of those journeys may be temporary and cover small distances; others may involve crossing the border of one’s homeland with no hope of ever coming back. Migrants struggle with not only their precarious financial situation, but also a wide range of legal and administrative difficulties, often compounded by social, cultural, religious, and political issues. Even though the number of people fleeing inhospitable environments is increasing every year, the international community and host countries refuse to grant them status to ensure due protection. This, however, does not relieve anybody from the obligation to search for a viable solution.
Keywords: environmental refugees, climate changes, natural disasters, international law, European lawReferences
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Piotr KrajewskiUniversity of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, The Faculty of Law and Administration Obitza 1 Street, 10 702 Olsztyn, Poland Poland
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