Sustainable Value

Chris Laszlo

Visiting Professor, Case Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, US Visiting Scholar, INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France (France)


Stakeholder value, based on a company’s economic, environmental, and social performance, is a new and largely untapped source of competitive advantage that is likely to grow in the years ahead. Greater public awareness and rising societal expectations of business in terms of its impacts on health and ecology are creating new strategic risks and opportunities. Although much has been written about stakeholders, we reframe the subject in terms of competitive advantage using an approach that systematically integrates stakeholder considerations into business strategy and operations. Such an approach can assist companies to reduce costs, differentiate products and services, develop new markets that serve unmet societal needs, and influence industry “rules of the game.” Success in capturing these opportunities requires a new leadership vision and the courage to understand and engage a diverse set of constituencies.


environmental, social, sustainability, stakeholder, value, competitive advantage

ASSADOURIAN, E., "The Role of Stakeholders", World Watch Magazine, Vol. 18, N°5, September/October 2005.
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The Vancouver Sun, April 24th, 2007, wrote about recent YouTube activism against a logging company operating in Canada. "YouTube is frequented [by] teenagers after school to reporters to customers who can now all see for themselves what West Fraser's logging practices look like," according to the environmental group ForestEthics. "Our staff made [the anti-logging] video sitting at their desks in Vancouver. We were able to do a fly-over of West Fraser's logging operations using Google [Earth]. We have never been able to do this so quickly before."
  Google Scholar

LEV, B. Intangibles: Management, Measurement and Reporting, The Brookings Institution Press, 2001.
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LOW, J. and COHEN KALAFUT, P. Invisible Advantage: How Intangibles Are Driving Business Performance (Cambridge MA: Perseus Publishing, 2002).
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The United States Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) 2007 report, A Call for Action, can be found on the website,
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Cited by

Laszlo, C. (2008). Sustainable Value. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 3(2), 25–29. Retrieved from


Chris Laszlo 

Visiting Professor, Case Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, US Visiting Scholar, INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France France


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