Selected Aspects of Environmental Processes in Holistic Nature Related Education in the Light of Sustainable Development Concepts

Jan Sandner

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Instytut Ekologii i Bioetyki, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Poland (Poland)


The problem of comprehending environment related problems depends not only on the development of natural sciences as such, but also on their cooperation on an interdisciplinary level. Frequently this proves, however, to be difficult to implement, as in the majority of cases those sciences are characterised by a diverse study 70 (Jan Sander/Problemy Ekorozwoju nr 2 (2008) , 69-80) methodology, and have differing specialist vocabulary, which frequently leads to “incompatibility” of gained test results. Such “incompatibility” may be related to a completely different interpretation of the same natural phenomena. The absence of a standardised and concurrently a well-defined approach to problems of environmental protection may be observed already at the level of elementary notions. The most widespread example of such arbitrariness is rather free use, frequently in an interchangeable way, of such notions as: ecology and environment protection, or ecosystem and the biosphere. Those notions are in many cases used as convenient counterparts. In the article the author discusses certain aspects related to with levels of biological organisation, which should be used as a base for all deliberations related to a holistic natural environment. On the basis of knowledge gained in ecology (created from biological sciences), the appropriate reference level should be sought to allow comprehending natural processes, which are taking place on higher levels in the system. Cognition of the natural environment on a holistic level is indispensable if we want to understand processes of its degradation, and simultaneously of the anthropospheric position of man and the role of community groups in that process. Increasingly frequently an important contribution to the interpretation of a holistic approach to environmental processes is made by Ecophilosophy which continues to develop dynamically. By studying social, political, ideological and economic considerations and consequences of interactions between man and the surrounding environment Ecophilosophy needs to be based as a system on processes, the nature of which is holistic. This is necessitated by the complexity of analysed problems, a part of which is verifiable empirically, yet their remainder tends to remain outside of reach for empiricism. This latter part should certainly be subject to philosophical way of thinking, albeit not in detachment of the first group. The article refers to elementary system notions from the borderland of various sciences (Biology, Ecology, Ecophilosophy), which are connected with cognition of the natural environment, consequently affecting formulation of a methodology to allow correct shaping of the pro-ecological education process.


ecosystems, levels of biological organisation, holistic environmental education, environmental interactions, biocenosis sequence, flow of matter and energy

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Cited by

Sandner, J. (2008). Selected Aspects of Environmental Processes in Holistic Nature Related Education in the Light of Sustainable Development Concepts. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 3(2), 69–80. Retrieved from


Jan Sandner 

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Instytut Ekologii i Bioetyki, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Poland Poland


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