Does the Evangelical Understanding of the Concept of Property Serve Sustainable Development?

Karolina Szulc

Poznan University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology, Department of Pig Breeding and Production, 33 Wolynska St, Poznan 60-637 (Poland)


Protestant Reformation brought about some revolutionary changes in the ways that God and human role in the world were perceived. Martin Luther, known as the Father of the Reformation, adhered to the principle sola scriptura – only Scripture, and hence based all his teachings on the Word of God. The understanding of ownership proposed by him was also a faithful reflection of biblical teaching. According to Luther, the true meaning of ownership was servanthood – God bestowed goods to man in order for him to share his possessions with others. The Reformer did not perceive property as a value on its own. Rather, a man’s attitude to property reflected his attitude towards his neighbour and the creation as a whole. People should not forget that all their possessions have merely been temporarily entrusted to them by God.

This Biblical principle has been elaborated on by evangelical theologians. Modern reflection emphasizes that the idea of ownership is not confined to material goods, but encompasses various elements of the surrounding world. Consequently, care for the creation and natural environment should be viewed as Christian responsibility. Man was created in God’s image and likeness, and is known to be the crown of creation. Evangelical theologians point out that Christians should be particularly sensitive to issues of environmental protection and preserving this world for future generations. Responsibility for the surrounding world should not be a burdensome duty. It ought to be an expression of love for God and one’s neighbour, a proof of deeper understanding of the meaning of Christianity. All in all, it is the fullest realization of the idea of sustainable development.


ownership, Christian responsibility, Reformation, sustainable development

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Cited by

Szulc, K. (2012). Does the Evangelical Understanding of the Concept of Property Serve Sustainable Development?. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 7(2), 61–65. Retrieved from


Karolina Szulc 

Poznan University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology, Department of Pig Breeding and Production, 33 Wolynska St, Poznan 60-637 Poland


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