The Implementation of Sustainable Development vs. Environmental Attitudes in International Comparative Studies

Paweł Rydzewski

College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Administracji w Lublinie), ul. Bursaki 12, 20-150 Lublin (Poland)


The practical implementation of sustainable development depends not only on the strategies adopted, but also on everyday choices made by each individual. How we behave, what we buy, or what we are willing to sacrifice – all this translates into changes in the global consumption of natural resources and energy. Therefore, the study of human attitudes and behaviour, and of the factors that determine them, is an important indicator of the real possibilities for implementing sustainable development.

Two main hypotheses were put forward in the research: (1) declared pro-environmental behaviour, displayed pro-environmental behaviour, and ecological concerns are dependent on social and demographic factors (gender, age, education, employment status, political orientation, and size of place of residence, (2) declared pro-environmental behaviour, displayed pro-environmental behaviour, and ecological concerns differ between countries. The hypotheses were tested on the data from the ISSP Environment III, 2010. The first hypothesis was largely confirmed (only gender proved to have no impact on the declared pro-environmental behaviour). The second hypothesis was fully confirmed. Countries with the highest indicators of both declarations and pro-environmental behaviour include: Switzerland, South Korea, Taiwan, Denmark, and Germany. On the other hand, Latvia, Bulgaria, Russia, Slovakia, and Israel rank at the bottom of this classification. A high level of concern about environmental threats is most common among residents of Chile, Turkey, Argentina, Croatia, and Russia.


environment, attitudes, ISSP

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Cited by

Rydzewski, P. (2013). The Implementation of Sustainable Development vs. Environmental Attitudes in International Comparative Studies. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 8(1), 125–137. Retrieved from


Paweł Rydzewski 

College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Administracji w Lublinie), ul. Bursaki 12, 20-150 Lublin Poland


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