A Conceptual Framework for Business Model Innovation: The Case of Electric Vehicles in China

Luning Shao

School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 (China)

Yixi Xue

School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 (China)

Jianxin You

School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 (China)


EVs (electric vehicle), as sustainable technologies, hold the potential to achieve the sustainability of the transport system and challenge the prevailing business models of internal combustion engines (ICEs). To unlock the dominant logic of ICEs and promote the diffusion of EVs, Business model (BM) innovation is necessary. However, BM innovation for EVs still faces many obstacles. This paper makes contribution theoretically and practically by constructing a “3-7” system and proposing a two-phase conceptual framework for BM innovation of EVs. The case of Shenzhen City, China is studied to illustrate how the “3-7” system and two-phase conceptual framework is applied. Based on the case study, this paper concludes two new barriers that are not highlighted by the previous literature and makes a number of suggestions to help address the issues found in BM innovation.


Business model innovation, electric vehicles, “3-7” structure system, two-phase conceptual framework, value network

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Cited by

Shao, L., Xue, Y., & You, J. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Business Model Innovation: The Case of Electric Vehicles in China. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 9(2), 27–37. Retrieved from https://ph.pollub.pl/index.php/preko/article/view/4871


Luning Shao 

School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 China


Yixi Xue 
School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 China


Jianxin You 

School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 China


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