Cereals – Health or Disease
Aleksandra Badora
aleksandra.badora@up.lublin.plDepartment of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Sub-department of Quality and Standardization of Plant Materials, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 15 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin (Poland)
Jolanta Kozłowska-Strawskaa
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Sub-department of Quality and Standardization of Plant Materials, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 15 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin (Poland)
Jolanta Domańska
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry (Poland)
Tadeusz Filipek
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry (Poland)
As a result of appropriate interference in the agro-ecosystems, a man can control their productivity and increase the amount of produced biomass, which can be utilized as food for humans, feed for animals, and raw material for many industries, including fuels. Such agriculture combines the laws of nature and human activity into a single coherent system. FAO has drawn attention to the idea of food security for a long time, because sufficient amount of healthy food is a prerequisite for life. The issue of genetically modified cereals not only to increase the yields, but also to stimulate the consumer’s appetite, is still little discussed. Pervasive promotion of cereals praised as a healthy food set the trends and fashions in diet and surrendered them the agricultural markets and production fields. Growing the alternative crops, among others the amaranth, shows agriculture as an economic activity that combines natural laws with human interference into a single coherent system operating in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. In this way, resources of arable lands are exploited in a sustainable manner. Moreover, amaranth grains due to the high nutritional value, especially in view of special characteristics of protein, fat, and starch, are becoming more and more popular among producers, consumers, and the industry. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the forgotten plant species – amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) to measure the impact of its raw materials and products on human health and in the context of wheat and its processed products dominance on agricultural markets.
food security vs. health, wheat vs. health, gluten vs. health, amaranth as eco-product of a future, sustainable development and management of a field productionReferences
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Aleksandra Badoraaleksandra.badora@up.lublin.pl
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Sub-department of Quality and Standardization of Plant Materials, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 15 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin Poland
Jolanta Kozłowska-StrawskaaDepartment of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Sub-department of Quality and Standardization of Plant Materials, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 15 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin Poland
Jolanta DomańskaDepartment of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Poland
Tadeusz FilipekDepartment of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Poland
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