The contemporary concepts of development in terms of the diversifying criteria
Franciszek Piontek
Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, ul. Zygmunta Cieplaka 1c, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland)
Barbara Piontek
Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, ul. Zygmunta Cieplaka 1c, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland)
In the 20th century, in the late 1990s and through the turn of the century, a lot of attention was paid to the so-called contemporary concepts of development. Simply speaking, it should be noted that those who discuss the concepts present their advantages and disadvantages, their common features, such as globality and a promise of happiness of the future generations, undefined in terms of time.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the so-called contemporary concept of development, in terms of the criteria that diversify them. We accept the following hypothesis for such a purpose: there are two subsets of the criteria diversifying the contemporary concepts of development:
- the criteria of the philosophical nature, which diversify the development concepts ex ante: the relationship to existence and action, the relationship to axioms and natural law and to paradigms and the relationship to individual types of capital (economic, human and natural);
- the criteria of the practical nature diversifying the contemporary concepts of development ex post, i.e. from the point of view of results in the real dimension: the relationship to consciousness, the relationship to the market, state and money, the relationship to technology, and the method of transforming contemporary global concepts into models of the local development.
The paper gives the opportunity for further research, it presents issues, which should be a subject of multi-faceted analysis, and which include the basic issue: does the subject scope of a properly defined category of development include and can it accept the multitude of so-called concepts of development?
development, axioms, concept of development, neoliberalism, sustainable developmentReferences
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Franciszek PiontekAcademy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, ul. Zygmunta Cieplaka 1c, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza Poland
Barbara PiontekAcademy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, ul. Zygmunta Cieplaka 1c, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza Poland
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