Social Sozophilosophy and the Care for Sutainability of Some Areas of the Social Reality

Wiesław Sztumski

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, ul. Bankowa 11 40-007 Katowice (Poland)


In Anthropocene, the natural and social environment of human life has been degrading more significantly than ever before, especially for the past 70 years. The negative changes of the natural environment are well known and clearly felt. Therefore, the environmental awareness usually refers to the degradation of nature as a result of the human engineering activity. Due to their economic, political and ideological activities, people are aware of the degradation of social, cultural and spiritual environments to a much lesser extent. They distort the functioning of social systems and their sustainability, worsen the interpersonal relations, and devastate the personality. Hence, the issue of social environment protection, taken by sozology – complementary to the eco-philosophy – is crucial, as is the sozophilosophical reflection about it. The article presents threats to the sustainable development of selected fields of the social environment – knowledge, faith, social space, freedom, privacy, social time, and work – as well as their causes and possibilities of reduction.


social environment, ecophilosophy, sozophilosophy, sustainability

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Cited by

Sztumski, W. (2015). Social Sozophilosophy and the Care for Sutainability of Some Areas of the Social Reality. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 10(2), 15–29. Retrieved from


Wiesław Sztumski 

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, ul. Bankowa 11 40-007 Katowice Poland


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