Troublesome Evaluation of Technological Innovations. Balancing Between a Blessing and a Bane of the Technological Progress
Wiesław Sztumski
Silesian University, Katowice, Poland (Poland)
Technological innovations are the driving force of the technological progress. They must be multiplied and accelerated so that people could live, the humanity be preserved, to survive in a world full of threats, to develop people, to improve the standards of living and to satisfy ever growing needs. For this reason, we assess them favorably. On the other hand, however, there are certain disadvantages because they generate different and serious threats to people and the natural and social environments. This includes nuclear, chemical, biological, psychological and information weapons, as well as robotics, use of pesticides, genetic engineering, and interference of techniques in the consciousness and the sub-consciousness of men. Certain threats manifest immediately and others – after a long time, like ticking time bombs. Therefore, the evaluation of innovation is very troublesome. It is also problematic and ambivalent because of the huge diversity of people who make the assessment.
technology, civilization, progress, evaluation, mankindReferences
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Wiesław SztumskiSilesian University, Katowice, Poland Poland
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