Sustainability, Corporate Community Engagement and Enterprise Development – Lessons from a Case Study in Emu-Ebendo Niger-Delta, Nigeria
O.E. Ajide Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK (United Kingdom)
P.A. Strachan
Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK (United Kingdom)
A. Russell
Bournemouth University, UK (United Kingdom)
D.R. Jones
Bournemouth University, UK (United Kingdom)
Corporate community engagement remains an under researched area in sustainability debates. Presenting a case study, based on in-depth interviews and site visits, of how one indigenous company Energia Ltd has formed a strong partnership or bond with the Emu-Ebendo community in the oil rich Niger Delta, the dynamics of corporate community engagement are critically discussed. Evidence of how both the company and community has benefited from this relationship is presented. The case analysis concludes that the company has effectively utilised a clearer understanding of the culture of the host community, leading to a transformational relationship. The approach adopted by Energia Ltd in the Emu-Ebendo community is unique in context. The key conclusion reached is that community benefit funds and community enterprise development, as a derivative of corporate engagement, can play a transformational role in societal and economic development.
community engagement, community enterprise development, sustainability, local content, Niger Delta, Nigeria, oil and gasReferences
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Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK United Kingdom
P.A. StrachanAberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK United Kingdom
A. RussellBournemouth University, UK United Kingdom
D.R. JonesBournemouth University, UK United Kingdom
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