The REKO System in Finland: a New Model of a Sustainable Marketing Channel
Barbara Szymoniuk
Lublin University of Technology, Lublin (Poland)
Heidi Valtari
University of Turku, Turku (Finland)
The global trend in the development of sustainable consumption favors the creation of new marketing channels, which combine in themselves the sales and distributive functions and respect the integrated principles of sustainable development. The article presents an example of such a channel which has been very successful on the Finnish market of local and organic products. This channel, based on the activities of REKO purchasing groups, self-organized with the use of the social media, can provide an example to follow in other countries.
marketing channel, Marketing 4.0, sustainable marketing, REKO systemReferences
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Barbara SzymoniukLublin University of Technology, Lublin Poland
Heidi ValtariUniversity of Turku, Turku Finland
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