Choice Behavior for Intelligent Vehicle: Factors and Relationships
Yuhong Cao
School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444 (China)
Wei Hu
angelcaoniuniu@sina.comAnhui Cadre Institute of Economics Management, Hefei, 230008 (China)
Intelligent vehicle considered to be the trend of future vehicle for its ecological environment protect and energy conservative feature. The high cost and imperfect technology of it result however in the disinclination of consumers and developers. In this paper, we studied the factor relationships of intelligent vehicle choice behavior between intelligent vehicle manufacturing enterprises, consumers and intelligent vehicle products by constructing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The empirical results shows that, Government should help to improve the performance of intelligent vehicle, and they should strengthen consumers’ cognition of intelligent vehicle and encourage them to purchase, which will stimulate vehicle manufacturing enterprises’ enthusiasm for developing.
intelligent vehicle, choice behavior, SEM, factors analysisReferences
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Yuhong CaoSchool of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444 China
Anhui Cadre Institute of Economics Management, Hefei, 230008 China
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